
VSCode-Znuny - Release 1.0.3


StatusBar ⭐

  • The status bar gets an additional Znuny item and the entire status bar is displayed in the Znuny color #ff9b00 if the active file is a “Znuny file”.
    • If the active file belongs to a Znuny framework (“Znuny file”) in the workspace, the product name and version are displayed from the RELEASE file.
    • If the active file belongs to a Znuny package (“Znuny file”) in the workspace, the vendor and the largest framework version are displayed from the SOPM file.


  • Fixed - Broken snippet - Functions/TicketObject/znuny.TicketObject.TicketSearch.code-snippets #2
  • Added missing DiffObject snippet for 6.0
  • Tidied Snippets

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